Coaching for Leadership Coaches
I help younger or less experienced leadership coaches develop their own self-awareness, because you can’t take others where you’ve not been yourself.
My ACC credential was up for renewal and I needed a mentor coach. I hopped on the ICF website and found mentor coach Deborah Huisken. I knew nothing about her other than we both graduated from the same coach certification program. I wanted to keep my ACC credential, so I moved forward with the required 10 mentor coach sessions. Deborah completely exceeded my expectations. Who knew that a focus on the boring (but necessary) ICF Competencies could teach me so much about my coaching? With Deborah, this became a very powerful learning process. I’ve never met anyone who can say SO MUCH with so few words. By responding to her succinct powerful questions, I was able to identify what I do well, where I need to improve, and how each Competency shows up in my coaching. Because Deborah has long-term coaching experience, she is filled with “knowledge nuggets” which she freely shares. Deborah made this an extremely useful process for me personally and professionally.
